5 significant changes I am experiencing through this ONE habit

3 min readJan 20, 2024

Amid the chaos of life, where the mind tends to create illusions that distance us from reality, there comes a time when intervention is sought to bring us back on track. While time and the universe often play a role in this intervention, it is ultimately our choice whether we embrace it or not. Recently, I found myself entangled in doubts and uncertainty, feeling the lack of value in my existence. It was during this tumultuous period that I rediscovered the profound impact of reciting mantras every morning.

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In this blog, I’ll delve into five reasons why this ancient practice has significantly transformed my perspective on life.

An Act of Discipline:

During my formative years, chanting mantras and slokas was a daily practice instilled in me at home. However, over time, it had evolved from a religious ritual into a mere routine. Reconnecting with this practice last month turned it into an act of discipline. Embracing the discipline of waking up, bathing, and reciting these sacred verses daily has provided structure to my mornings. This disciplined approach has not only brought a sense of order to my day but has also fostered a profound thinking.

Regained the Lost Focus:

Amid the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to lose sight of our goals and priorities. Reciting mantras has acted as a guiding force, helping me regain the focus that had slipped away. The rhythmic repetition of these ancient verses serves as a mental anchor, redirecting my attention to what truly matters. It has become a meditative practice that clears the clutter from my mind, allowing me to approach each day with renewed clarity and purpose.

Learned to Look at Things for Exactly What They Are:

The practice of mantra recitation has instilled in me a heightened sense of awareness. It has taught me to look beyond the illusions and facades that often cloud our judgement. By immersing myself in the resonance of these sacred sounds, I’ve cultivated the ability to perceive situations and people for exactly what they are. This newfound clarity has empowered me to make more informed decisions and navigate life’s complexities with a discerning eye.

Clarity and Equanimity:

One of the most profound changes I’ve experienced is the emergence of clarity and equanimity in my daily life. The chaos that once surrounded me has given way to a tranquil inner space. Mantra recitation has become a source of solace, providing a refuge from the storms of life. This practice has gifted me the ability to maintain a balanced perspective, irrespective of the external circumstances. The resulting peace of mind has been instrumental in fostering a positive outlook and resilience in the face of challenges.

Controlled and Directed Rage:

Anger is a natural emotion, but its uncontrolled expression can lead to destructive consequences. Through the consistent recitation of mantras, I’ve learned to channel and control my rage effectively. The calming effect of these sacred sounds has served as a buffer between me and impulsive reactions. This newfound control has not only improved my relationships but has also allowed me to respond to challenging situations with a composed mind, contributing to healthier and more constructive outcomes.

Incorporating the practice of reciting mantras every morning has been a transformative journey that has brought discipline, focus, awareness, clarity, and emotional balance into my life. While not imposing any specific belief system, or thrusting my ideas onto others, this tradition has provided me with a solid connection to something greater than myself, allowing me to gradually navigate life’s intricacies with newfound wisdom and resilience.

